

조회 수 431 추천 수 0 댓글 0

날짜: 2023년 1월 30일 (월)

시간 및 연사: 오후 4:00 – 5:00 (유영상 교수: 물리학과)

장소: S1-1 건물 336호 (물리학과 세미나실)

제목: X-ray Microscopy: quantitative visualization for nanomaterials  



초록 1:  X-ray Microscopy: quantitative visualization for nanomaterials

- Young-Sang Yu 

- Department of Physics, Chungbuk National University. 


Visualization capable of nonequilibrium chemical states and their morphologies at proper spatial/spectral resolution is central to elucidating the complex phenomena in nanomaterials that underpin materials’ properties. These observations need to provide quantitative information at multiple scales, including the single-particle level, where incomplete reactions and failure at the required length and time scales are prone to occur. Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) combined with high-brightness X-ray synchrotrons is an ideal tool to probe a wide variety of contrast mechanisms for studying material properties. However, it has been limited in spatial resolution to many times the X-ray wavelength by the nature of X-ray focusing optics. X-ray ptychography, on the other hand, has been developing as a kind of coherent X-ray scattering-based imaging scheme. The scattering from the sample as a function of X-ray source brightness and wavelength only limits achievable spatial resolution under an ideal instrumentation condition. This talk will present recent accomplishments to adapt scanning transmission X-ray microscopy & ptychographic imaging at the COherent Scattering and MICroscopy (COSMIC, BL beamline at the Advanced Light source (ALS), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Our efforts for demonstration of multidimensional, multilength scale, and multimodal visualizations will allow spectro-microscopy with faster data acquisition rates in Ochang Advanced Synchrotron for Industry and Science to perform dynamic 3D measurements over larger field-of-view, with higher spatial resolution, under specific sample environments, such as varying temperature, applied voltage, or other-directed influences.

